Anemone, my enemy

7 05 2010

I have a love-hate relationship with the anemone in my garden. The first couple of years that they were part of the landscape, they behaved rather well. I had enough of them to split a few times, and the result was a splash of white among the purple irises and grape hyacinths, a lovely sight against the spring green of the grass.

anemone, the enemy

the enemy, anemone

Today I am looking out at the two gardens in which I planted those flowers, and I see a vast army that has overtaken the entire plot. No room for other species to bloom and thrive, because the anemone has spread in a thick blanket all over.

Yes, they are beautiful. Yes, they are striking to look at as I gaze out my window. Yes, I am going to dig most of them out.

Here’s why. They begin to bloom in early May, lasting about two or three weeks. Then they just grow, grow, grow, choking out everything in sight. No more lovely white flowers for the rest of the summer. They just grow. Period. Ugh!!!

anemone and iris

field of anemone with iris

I have posted pictures of  wisteria on the fence beside my deck. We have never had so many fronds of flowers on the plants.  They are GORGEOUS!!!
Check   the photo section for pictures.



2 responses

7 05 2010

Soooo will they choke out all my weeds?!?!?! I’m thinking that is what is in the front Island….should put some in my other island too! When do I start digging them out? Probably after flowering, huh?


7 05 2010
Terri DeVries

If you don’t mind the invasion, you can leave them in. If you want to transfer some to another bed, you can do that any time. If you want to get rid of them, you can do it now, but it would be easier to do in the spring when they are just starting to come up. It’s all up to you!!! I don’t think they are affected by being dug up.


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